31 May 2021 News Oceans & Seas

DISCOVER: New tools released to prevent marine litter in North America

The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) hosted a webinar in May to launch New tools to help communities prevent marine litter in North America. Watch the webinar here!

“Last Stop: The Ocean” Campaign Toolkit and Website

This is a fun and interactive way to raise awareness of how land-based plastic pollution moves through the environment and ends up in our waters. It provides communities, organizations, governments and the public with simple solutions for individuals and ready-to-use products (e.g. videos, posters, social media).

Reducing Marine Litter Through Local Action: A Toolkit for Community Engagement

This is a step-by-step guide on how to lead a marine litter reduction project in your community – including how to identify goals, convene stakeholders and implement targeted solutions.